Good Neighbor Project

October 6, 2014 - Uncategorized

On Saturday, Nov. 8, at Hope Reformed Church, 2010 Kalamazoo, the American Friends Service Committee Michigan Criminal Justice Program will provide training for their Good Neighbor Project. This new program is developing a co-mentoring program — connecting long-time prisoners with outside persons/businesses/organizations so that, over time, they can develop positive relationships that will still be there if/when the prisoner is released. The focus is on restorative justice — trying to heal the harm that was created when the crime was committed, rather than just allowing the “punishment to fit the crime.” This mentoring relationship might illuminate some of the ways that harm was done and help offenders take responsibility, hopefully to be restored and welcomed back into the community after their sentence ends. The Good Neighbor will also empower the “mentor” to become involved in advocacy for reforms to our criminal justice system in Michigan.