May 4, 2015 - Uncategorized
Thank you for your prayers for the work of Prisoners in Christ. We can only imagine what the Lord has in store as we continue the work that has began more than a decade ago. Here are examples of how God has used us so far on this journey:
- published a newsletter by and for prisoners and their family and friends;
- wrote articles for international magazines – the Banner and Christian Century;
- set up (and maintain) a website with resources for those impacted by incarceration;
- envisioned and implemented a prison congregation – Celebration Fellowship – in Ionia;
- mobilized over a 100 volunteers to visit, correspond, meet, and/or worship with inmates;
- designed, and continue, educational and rehabilitation programs inside prisons;
- promoted restorative justice practices in prison and on the outside;
- created a model for support and accountability for returning citizens – CONTACT;
- presented our story at national conferences, state gatherings and local churches; and
- convened dozens of gatherings to increase collaboration and coordination of efforts.
For more information, or to engage with the work of Prisoners in Christ, contact Arend Vander Pols, Chairperson, or Andy Vroon,Treasurer, or go to www.prisonersinchrist.org. Financial gifts to Church of the Servant designated for Prisoners in Christ (PinC) help with program and volunteers’ expenses. We need your support and prayers in this challenging and important work of changing the narrative, working for truth and reconciliation, and be hopeful in spite of unbelievable injustice in our country.